by Teresa Carrubba The first person to maintain that eating green stuff equals eating weII seem to have been none other than Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician andphilosopher of the sixth century B.C. [...]
Archive for category: Food & Wine
by Teresa Carrubba The first person to maintain that eating green stuff equals eating weII seem to have been none other than Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician andphilosopher of the sixth century B.C. [...]
Di Teresa carrubba E’ una delle festività ebraiche di istituzione biblica, gioiosa, ma estremamente impegnativa per le rigidissime prescrizioni esposte in vari passi dell’Esodo e tuttora minuziosamente seguite. A partire dal divieto assoluto, non solo [...]
English, Food & Wine, Restaraunts
PAMELA MCCOURT FRANCESCONE While much is known about the glory and decline of the Roman empire it is not widely recognised that modern Mediterranean cuisine evolved from the ancient flavours and traditions of Imperial Rome. [...]
English, Food & Wine, Health and Nutrition
Dott. CIRO VESTITA Often I’m asked, “Can I eat pork?” “Will it make me gain weight? Is it bad for children?” No. Unfortunately, pork won’t make anyone gain weight anymore. I say unfortunately because pork [...]
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